Safe at the construction site, safe on the road

Our everyday safety is treated at the highest priority. The construction industry absolutely requires employers and employees to work together to ensure the highest level of safety possible.

However, in addition to safety at the construction site, we also need to be safe on the road. Therefore, at the end of February, in the beautiful scenery of departing and arriving aircrafts, we met at the Modlin race track on a company training program which involved participating in a safe driving school.

For all of us it was quite a challenge to cope with the tasks prepared by the instructors on a specially arranged track, but we spent the time very productively. It was a lesson including both driving skills and humbleness.

Each of us after the training, which was both theoretical and practical, understood that responsible driving is the most effective way to reduce the number of road accidents or to minimize their effects.

We highly recommend such training sessions to every driver, appealing at the same time – let’s drive slower. 5 km per hour really does matter…

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